Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
by onemore ini'm looking for a copy of the infamous: "declaration of facts" presented in yearbook 1934 pp.134-138.
if you have it, please pm and i'll give you my email address so that you send it there.. .
Obscene TOMO turd quote from talk.
by hamsterbait inon the thread about growth up but babble studies down thread, an audio of tomo turd has been posted.
can somebody put it in this separate thread - it's important.. he says how billions of innocent children and other inoffensive people will not get to enjoy their ice cream, as they are about to be annihilated.
they count less than mere "amuse - bouches".. what reward will all those get who peel off their tight pants and spanx before it is too late?.
Newly Enlightened
Tony the Turd talk from 2014 Special Meeting:
Zone Visit feedback, from ones still in??
by Crazyguy injust wondering if any one has heard from ones still asleep, what their feedback has been and what comments have been made by the rank and file??.
Newly Enlightened
same recycled B.S.
Ministerial Serpent
I am leaving for the Branch Meeting which is starting for me at 12:00 PM PST . I will be live updating in this post then.
Edit: it's a bunch of generic crap. I will bold anything of interest.
It's starting!
Spanish congregations tied in
Video of some of the governing body helpers
Bro Corkrin? Governing body helper leading WT summary
Generic Satan is cause of all our problems
Stay loyal to organization and get to live forever blah blah blah
Be faithful to those taking the lead in the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses aka the Governing body
Bro Leon Weever helper of Governing body presenting a report on kingdom work
Talking about the campaign. 900% increase in auxiliary pioneers.
Experiences of people from other religions saying they would look at and loving it
Governing body made pilot program of ten brothers working remote northern areas. Hearing stories and watching slideshow of their adventures
International convention highlights. Worldly people so amazed how nice JWs are. Implied Jehovah helped get stadium contracts signed.
Talking about need for more Kingdom Halls. New Local Design Committee LDC will have full time workers. RBC will change but we will hear how in the future.
Donations appreciated
Bro Herd Governing Body member giving talk How the Time Does Fly
Armageddon is near. Addressing old ones. Even tho getting old 'do not get tired and give out'.
Addressing Bethelites. Read bible. Read your magazines and publications. Keep praying. Keep going to meetings even if you are tired. (There must be a slacker problem.)
Interesting comment from Herd, "at bethel you are at the top of the ladder of Jehovah's work".
Bethelites need to be on time to their assignments at 8am and stay until 5pm . (Why are we hearing this?) "Late arrivals are rude arrivals" (Definitely a slacker problem)
Yay fat wife jokes
Give to the organization financially, physically and prayerfully.
Bro Schaffer Governing Body helper giving talk Jehovah is taking action.
200 Regional Translation Offices RTOs are being built.
Bro Crast? Talk about Coping with the world
Dont be jealous of people going on vacations and concerts and having a good time because they are "terminally ill" and are going to die. We should pity them. Cuz we are gonna live forever. (Fucking cult!!)
Bro Morris Governing Body member giving talk 'is your family a spiritual family?'
Morris is going to give counsel to families. Going to quote publications so if we have a problem with it we can take it up with God. (So publications are now God's words??)
Spiritual families visit bethel. If you haven't you need to do it. (The JW Mecca?)
World makes it hard to make ends meet with taxes. (Hidden Republican?)
If your kids fall out of the truth it is the parent's fault. (holy shit he is actually saying this!)
Sisters shouldn't marry brothers who are not Ministerial Servants. Sisters will pay for that bad decision.
We need to dress appropriately. Some sisters are wearing skin tight "spanks" when exercising. It's not appropriate. Some brothers are doing the metro sexual look. Wearing tight suits and tight pants. One brother was "man enough" that he told a brother that he wasn't doing service until he took his dress off.
The homosexuals design the clothes and like brothers in tight pants. (OMG he is saying it again)
Counsel on entertainment. No violent movies or videogames. No spiritism. No vampire movies.
Brothers who repeat prayers where their children know what they are going to say "is just sad" (So encouraging! /s)
Bible studies are down
If you don't go in service you have blood on your hands. Some might say some brothers are just going through a hard time and may be inactive. But Jehovah understands. Morris said what Jehovah are they talking about? That's not the Jehovah I know. (Jehovah doesn't care if you're going through a hard time! Go in service!)
K it is over. No announcements. Just Moronic Morris III strikes again. And they focused more on the helpers of the governing body which I thought was interesting. They had a video of some of them at the beginning and then when each one was about to give a talk they read off their long title and on which committee they were in. Looks like they want some of the spotlight as well. -
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Newly Enlightened
We had someone send it to us and its pretty good quality from what we've heard already. ....We heard that Tony the Turd is bashing homosexuals again.
by Newly Enlightened inin gerrit losch's public statement to the superior copurt of california.
Newly Enlightened
In Gerrit Losch's Public statement to the Superior Copurt of California
Russian E.P.A nabs JW's for dumping waste
by Newly Enlightened inapparently, as if jw's problems with russia wasn't bad enough, this just in....
The biggest sell off of Kingdom Halls in Britain :Update
by raymond frantz inthe biggest sell off of kingdom halls in britain.
hi guys last night i posted this here but only a few notes as it was quite fresh and only announced lasdt night at the meeting.i have now updated article and included a couple of useful links about this matter .
Newly Enlightened
We also got another letter from the Madrid Spain Branch that says almost the same thing.
The biggest sell off of Kingdom Halls in Britain :Update
by raymond frantz inthe biggest sell off of kingdom halls in britain.
hi guys last night i posted this here but only a few notes as it was quite fresh and only announced lasdt night at the meeting.i have now updated article and included a couple of useful links about this matter .
Newly Enlightened
Dear brothers, we are writing to provide an update regarding the exciting changes now being made to the way the Kingdom Hall projects are carried out. During November, construction servants will be appointed to work on Kingdom Hall projects in Britain for the first time. These brothers and sisters will either be assigned to a Kingdom Hall construction group building and renovating Kingdom Halls, or as field representatives coordinating property purchase, design and planning. As they will be working at their assignments full-time, projects will be handled at a faster rate than was previously possible in order to meet the need for Kingdom Halls. Approval has been given to form 12 construction groups in Britain and 2 in Ireland This will take place gradually over coming months. When a group is formed and assigned to an area, the local RBC will transfer to them their project workload. Hence RBCs will keep working until a construction group is assigned to their area. The RBCvolunteers will become LDC volunteers, and continue to have a full share in projects. Since July 2014, the cost of all construction and renovation works has been covered by the branch. Although maintenance is paid for using congregation funds, there is no longer any need for funds to be held by congregations for construction, renovation or land purchase. The response from the congregations to this adjustment has been truly amazing. The generous spirit you have shown will undoubtedly result in rich blessings. We are aware that a number of Kingdom Halls are unsuitable and have been in need of improvement or replacement for some years. The new arrangements are being set up with the objective of addressing this need within the next few years. Whether you attend a Kingdom Hall that is suitable or in some way deficient, you can help support the new arrangements in a number of ways. How so? Please note the following important points: First, give consideration to applying to serve as an LDC volunteer. Although Kingdom Hall construction will be overseen by full-time servants, the majority of the work will still be carried out by volunteers. The time scale to catch up with the back log of over 4 hundred Kingdom Hall projects is estimated to be 5 years. May we seek your patient cooperation while this new program is implemented. Maintain the hall you use to the best of your ability, and avoid carrying out any construction work without branch approval. An effort will be made to concentrate on the highest priority needs first. In order to support global expansion, more efficient use needs to be made of Kingdom Halls and assembly halls. For example, now there is only one mid-week congregation meeting during the visit of the circuit overseer, it is possible that Kingdom Halls can be used by 4 congregations. Also, the Branch office has been directed to consider whether meeting places could be consolidated so that under-utilised kingdom halls can be sold. Your willingness to accept such changes is greatly appreciated. The advancement of Jehovah's organisation is clear for us to see. We are enthusiastically looking forward to improving the physical presence of our Kingdom Halls in the same way that our online presence has developed. With Jehovah's rich blessing and your loyal support, rapid progress will be made.
Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes, your brothers, Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. -
Russian E.P.A nabs JW's for dumping waste
by Newly Enlightened inapparently, as if jw's problems with russia wasn't bad enough, this just in....
Newly Enlightened
Russian E.P.A nabs JW's for dumping waste
by Newly Enlightened inapparently, as if jw's problems with russia wasn't bad enough, this just in....
Newly Enlightened
Apparently, as if JW's problems with Russia wasn't bad enough, this just in...